Saturday, March 15, 2008

What is Emo?

There are some people didn't understand the definition of 'Emo', what is emo? Does it have something to do with the hair, with the attitude, with the clothes, with the lifestyle, with the music they hear or the music they dance to?

No! Emo is not punk, it's not gothic, it's not fashion, it's not style, it's not cutting your wrists, it's not hardcore music, and it's most definitely not a hairstyle.

The definition of Emo is Emotional, but the term is widely mis-used as you can tell, an Emo is someone who cuts for attention, not pain, if someone cuts and doesn't tell any one, they aren't emo, but if they cut and proceed to tell every one, then they're begging for attention thus making them emo.

Also, an emo is someone who will attempt suicide in public, as well as blaming all of their problems on someone who didn't do anything, an emo is also someone who needs to be the center of attention, be it in a hospital or otherwise.

Emo is not someone who is emotionless, dark, or withdrawn, an emo is someone who clearly states their emotions in public and begs for attention through their problems even if the problem is small.

Gothics are people who are dark and usually withdrawn from the public, gothics usually don't bother any one, they usually keep to themselves, they're not annoying, they're not emo, not the true goths any way.

Someone who is emotionless tends to be goth as well, but if you're emotionless, how can you be emo which means emotional? Contradictions are pleasently obnoxious.

I know a few emo's, I know true goths, I know true punkers, never claim you know something when you don't.

Also, for everyones information, some cutters usually cut because they see it as the only thing that will take their pain away, if they don't publicly state that they are cutting, or announce it to the world, then there's no reason to label them as emo.

Only emo's cut for attention, maybe you will learn something from this.

Emo is just an excuse for boys to act like girls.

1 comment:

J~ said...

OMG spoken like a true emo-ologist!!!! i freakin ♥ you right at this moment for this explanation!!!! if you dont mind i copied some of what you said but i put quote things around it and gave you credit for it and everything! promise! every trait you described that a emo person has my friend has and i am trying to break her emo phase its tough cause she doesnt believe she is emo but she IS! well thank you! pease ♥!